
As an aspiring pharmacist, your role in the healthcare industry will be pivotal. 浩博体育app’s unique pharmacy 3+4 programs allow students to accelerate their Doctor of Pharmacy (PharmD), earning both a bachelor’s degree from Susquehanna and a doctoral degree through our partnerships with 杜肯大学 or 天普大学 在短短七年里. 

在萨斯奎哈纳的第一年, you will have the distinctive opportunity to engage in cutting-edge collaborative research. 通过亲身体验, you’ll  apply the knowledge gained in the classroom to scientific challenges, effectively preparing yourself for the demands of a pharmacy program. 

Susquehanna emphasizes comprehensive training in scientific communication, enabling you to master skills such as presenting research findings and contributing to peer-reviewed publications. 小班授课,互动式教学, 研究型课程, you’ll foster a strong sense of community while developing a diverse skill set that will equip you for a successful career.  

of program students start research with faculty in their junior year  
in recent funding from the National Science Foundation for scholarships and summer research funding
of students present their research at the national meeting of the American Chemical Society

Research to Curb Impact of Pharmaceuticals in Waterways

The best way to learn is by doing, and that’s precisely what you’ll find at Susquehanna. 露·安·汤姆, an associate professor of chemistry with 19 years of industry experience in pharmaceuticals, collaborates with her students for important research.


Associate Professor of 化学 露·安·汤姆 works with her students to help reduce the potential impact of pharmaceuticals on our waterways.

“The medicinal chemistry and biochemistry courses offered at Susquehanna prepared me well for my journey to obtain a Doctor of Pharmacy. I give credit to my advisor for encouraging me to take the medicinal chemistry course. It was that class that sparked my interest into pursuing a career in pharmacy.”

Anna Ream, 22岁


  • 药剂师
  • 研究与开发
  • 临床研究协调员
  • 医药销售代表
  • 药理学家


  • CVS药店
  • Bristol Myers Squib
  • 诺华制药
  • 沃尔格林
  • UPMC






匹兹堡, 宾西法尼亚, USA 3/1/20 A walking bridge and steps over the Boulevard of the Allies connecting to 杜肯大学 from Seco


自2012年以来, the 杜肯大学 School of Pharmacy is the only pharmacy school in the country to require participation in a professional development and advocacy course for graduation. 

Image of 天普大学 building with a 天普大学 flag hanging.


成立于1901年, 天普大学 School of Pharmacy is one of the oldest pharmacy schools in the country and is among the healthcare and pharmaceutical industry hubs of the northeastern United States.

Why a 3+4 degree instead of a traditional four-year degree?

通过药学3+4课程, you can save a year of study and earn both a bachelor’s degree and a doctoral degree in just seven years.

Susquehanna’s smaller class settings and early research opportunities help you develop important skills, 如:

  • Essential laboratory skills and hands-on experience with cutting-edge equipment.
  • 批判性思维和解决问题能力.
  • 科学写作与交流.

You will develop other lifelong skills such as active listening, 文化能力, 同理心, 情商和适应能力, and you will be ready to embark on the professional phase of your education at the end of three years, 而不是四个.


As soon as their very first year at Susquehanna, students can participate in research opportunities. 通过毕业, students acquire a wealth of laboratory experience and research knowledge that empowers them to excel in their careers or pursue further education.

Learn more about Ethan Fix ’22 and his pharmaceutical research.

Studying for a Degree in 药学3+4专业

Explore the courses you’ll take on your journey to earning a degree in pharmacy 3+4 programs at Susquehanna.


See the full list of related programs on the 自然与社会科学学院 页面.

虚拟之旅 of the 自然科学中心




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